Science is Fun.

Follow these steps if you would like to duplicate my science experiment from yesterday.

Dry Ice Slabs

1. Go buy some dry ice. We got ours from Pain Enterprises in Fort Wayne.

2. Load the dry ice in the back of an SUV.

3. Close the windows, and leave the SUV sit in 95 degree weather for 15 minutes while you go shopping at Wal-Mart.

4. Get in the SUV and drive.


5. If you have followed all of these steps correctly, you should notice you have an elevated heart rate and rapid breathing or panting after about 10 to 15 minutes of driving. Ignore this.

6. After another minute or so, you should start feeling a sort of constricting feeling in your throat.

7. At this point, yell loudly “SHIT! I HAVE DRY ICE IN THE BACK SEAT!!” and then pound your finger into the automatic window button to open your window.

8. With one quick motion thrust your head outside and breathe deeply.

9. Once back in your office visit this link “Dry Ice Info – Safe Handling” and read the section on VENTILATION.

10. Share your story with the entire world so they can call you an idiot.

367 thoughts on “Science is Fun.

  1. Idiot

    Actually I wouldn’t have thought about that either. I thought for sure the story was going to go a different direction. You know, that you came back to your car and it was filled with a eerie low fog that would make scooby doo proud and you drove back to work that way. I wasn’t expecting the near death experience… Of course I am just surprised the blazer is still running 🙂

  2. Uh, that’s like CO2, right? And that puts out fires by reducing heat and making oxygen unavailable to the fire, right? Had you been a smoker, you likely would have found it impossible to light your cigarette — therein saving your confusion, but still kept the sore choking throat and constriction of your lungs.

    I suppose you could have that now as an idea for a wedding at night … you open the car / limo and fog rolls out from dry ice and water

    “Welcome to Wonderland” or “Dreamland” or “Paradise”

  3. Well, I think the important detail is that no-one has yet called you an idiot.

    Allow me to rectify the situation …. “You’re an idiot”.

    Of course, I have to caveat that with the proviso that you are clearly an entertaining, lucid and therefore probably fairly intelligent idiot.

    And if I even started to recount some of the moronic things I’ve done I would certainly qualify as a full-blown moron.

    Ho hum, certainly brightened up my day.

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