367 thoughts on “I accidentally killed a couple circles…Damn, didn't mean to delete everyone….

  1. This brings up an interesting problem.  It would be great to be able to take snapshots of or to export your circle data for archiving/backup purposes.

  2. If you share a circle, then change who is in the circle, does the shared circle change as well, or remain as it was when shared?
    If it remains, you could share your circles with yourself as a backup.

  3. +Samuel Smith as an interim solution, that's a great idea.  Still a pain in the butt for those of us that have a lot of circles, but less painful than having to recreate them.  Probably a good idea to hashtag them too so you can search and find them later.  I wonder if creating a special Circle Archive page that you can share to just for archiving your circles would be better.  They won't get lost in your stream, but would it be easier or harder to re-import them?

  4. I dunno if you dumped me or not…. the situation called for drama though.

    Especially since you're in my notification circle, and all…


  5. +Jim Gomes Everything I post on G+ is auto backed up in another location, so searching for old posts with shared circles is pretty simple.

    I would agree though, if you have very many circles it would be a pain in the arse. It would be nice to have an export/import//backup util. It could be like the export from a contact manager.

  6. +Keith Cramer if I were a web developer, I'd write that extension. I'd implement it with a Pages. A new Page could be created for each "snapshot" of your circles. Create a snapshot Page, and then share all of your circles to it. If it doesn't delete the share, then I'd delete the original post to clean up my main stream. Ta da! A backed up set of circles.

  7. If the OP is deleted, the share remains, though if there are images attached, and they're removed, you only get the thumbnail until the cache goes away, then you get the vanished image icon.

  8. If you shared them to your own private community the OP would be hidden from your personal stream anyway 😉 

    (and you could even set the community up with a Topic of "My Circles" so you'd have them all in one place)

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