It Was My Fault, But I’m Still Pissed.

It’s obviously my fault, but that doesn’t matter right now. This is my blog – what I say goes. I know I made a series of mistakes that led me to my current point of pissed-off-ness. Yesum, it’s true, even *I* make some mistakes. Here they are.

Mistake #1:
A couple months ago, I entered into a converstaion with my slightly odd by nice neighbor from down the street. When he approached me that clipboard in his hand I should have worried.

Mistake #2:
I listened to him. He told me all about the horrible situation with the intersection two doors down from my house. Evidently, the cross traffic kept running the stop sign and causing accidents. He was trying to get the intersection changed into a four-way stop instead of a two-way stop and he was looking for my support. All I had to do was sign his little petition on that clipboard I mentioned.

Mistake #3
I signed the petition. There were over a couple hundred signatures on it already. Damn, damn, damn the peer-pressure.

Mistake #4
I didn’t pitch a bitch-fit when the city came out and changed the intersection about a month ago. They didn’t put in a four-way stop like the petition called for, instead, they just switched the direction of the two-way stop. So, now instead of getting to drive through the intersection without stopping, I have to stop and wait for the cross traffic to fly by.

Mistake #5
I didn’t adapt to the change. Evidently it takes my brain too long to rewire my driving habits. I’ve lived here and dealt with that damn intersection for over ten years and I’ve never had any problems, at least I never had any problems until Mistake #6.

Mistake #6
I drove through that new, and obviously evil, insersection without looking, without slowing, and without thinking, but most importantly, I drove through it without stopping. It’s too bad that the guy crossing the other way didn’t have better reflexes. Curse him. Of course, if he had quick reflexes I wouldn’t have had any new content. Nobody wants to hear about how someone ALMOST got into an accident.

So, this will be the most expensive Moutain Dew that I never bought.

Oh, and if you are wondering, nobody got hurt.

It turned out to not be that bad of an accident. The other guy only hit the side of the metal bumper on our van. It’s bent but amazingly his car never touched any of the van’s body panels. Unfortunately, the little plastic bumper on the front of his car was badly mangled. I dont think it served much purpose except to look prettty anyway. I helped him tape it up with some packing tape before he left. So, luckily, there was no real structural or body panel damage.

Now comes the real damage. He’s going to call me with the repair estimate this week. I think the razzle frazzle city should pay for it. grr.

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