8 thoughts on “My new profile pic thanks to the artistry of +Mar Mai! This guy is much more dapper…

  1. +Mar Mai kept asking me if I really felt this looked like you +Keith Cramer! And yes… the hint of mischievousness was the klinker for me!
    It reminded me SO much of your expression when working on that youtube video of much acclaim… >_>

  2. I'm betting that if I grew a goatee and poked my eye out, it would be a dead ringer!  🙂

    Maybe I'll just put an eye patch over my eye instead.

    I love how much expression and emotion that the eyes and facial expressions bring out.

    This makes me want a stove top hat.

  3. Mar is a wizard with expressions in the eyes! Hehe
    You guys should totally dress up like this… all Steampunk Dickens style for Christmas! It'd be da BOMB!!!

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